Your work is an Answer to prayer

Dear Rhonda,

I have been listening to your meditations for a month or so now and want you to know that your work here is an answer to prayer. I’ve struggled with depression for several years and nothing has helped me overcome it, but as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. I knew in my heart that there was an answer to my problem. I also knew that the answer would be found in His Word…somewhere, somehow. The last several years I’ve been pressing in to God in prayer, and have made progress with the depression, but it still hadn’t been dealt with completely. Three months ago something happened that sent me spiraling downward to a depth of grief I’d never known before. I didn”t think anything could bring me out of that dark place. One night I continued to cry out to God for help. One morning I felt compelled to sit down in front of my computer and do a search for Christian Meditations (something I’d never heard of before) and was led to your website. Over the course of a couple of days I studied your information, and after praying about it I decided to become a full member. I thank my God, every time I think of you. God’s Word, through your Meditations and Affirmations, has brought life and light back to my soul. While the grief remains and difficulty rages around me, I know I can surround myself with God’s Word by playing your recordings and come away filled with His peace, comforted. Thank you so much for your faithfulness. I pray that God will continue to bless you, as you’ve been a blessing to others.

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