A Divine Call to Meditate: The Practice of Biblical Meditation

biblical meditation

Guest Post: Manuel Vargas

The Divine Call to Meditate (Joshua 1:1-9)

God challenged Joshua to Meditate on the Law day and night. (Josh. 1:8) God gave Joshua the key to prosperity and success in his calling and career as an effective leader just by simply meditating on His Law (Word). It’s amazing how some so called spiritual gurus will have you sit in some room with your legs crossed and eyes closed sitting upright humming like an old refrigerator that grandma doesn’t want toss away, and call it meditation. However, meditating means spending time reading and thinking about what you have read. In Hebrew thought, to meditate upon the scriptures is to quietly repeat them in a soft tone, while blocking out all distractions. In doing so, our reflections of God’s goodness and faithfulness along with the commands of moral living will bring us to the place God desires us to be in.


1. Meditate- (Heb. Hagah #1897) is to ponder: Imagine, Mutter, speak, study, talk and utter.
2. Meditate- (Heb. Siyach #7878) Converse with oneself and hence aloud. Commune, Muse.
3. Meditate- (Grk. Meletao #3191) Image, think of, turnover in the mind.
4. Life Application Bible- Meditation- Reflection; Quiet contemplation of spiritual truths, to think deeply about them.

The Practice of Biblical Meditation

1. Who told us to meditate? Who taught us to meditate?
A) Abraham without a doubt taught Issac how to meditate (Gen.18:17-19 / 24:63).
B) God told Joshua to meditate (Joshua 1:8).
C) David was led to meditate on different parts of God’s word (Psa.119:23, 48, 148,15, 78 ).
D) David developed a healthy practice of meditation during private devotions to consider God’s work (Psa. 5:1), Praying that it will be acceptable to God (Psa. 19:14), knowing that it will be a sweet experience (Psa.104:34), Growing in the love of God’s word (Psa. 119:97).
E) Peter meditated when he rejected Jesus because Jesus predicted (Mark 14:66-72).
F) Peter was led to meditate after receiving a symbolic vision (Acts 10:10).
G) Jesus taught about a rich fool who meditated only on earthly riches not heavenly treasures (Luke 12:13-21).
H) Jesus taught we should meditate on whether we got what it takes to be His disciples (Luke 14:25-33).
I) Paul told Timothy to meditate on the letters he wrote him. So that he may be an effective minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ (1Tim.4:15).
J) Asaph practice meditation on God’s word when he was troubled (Psa. 77:10-12).
K) The sons of Korah practice meditation to gain divine understanding (Psa.49:3).

2. What should we meditate on?

A) God’s word (the Holy Bible) (Psa.119:148).
B) God’s statues (Psa. 119:23) and commandments (Psa.119:148).
C) God’s precepts (Psa. 119:15, 78).
D) God’s law (Psa. 1:1-3) Note: God showed His people the true function and beauty of His laws. The commandments were designed to lead Israel to a life of practical holiness. By Jesus’ time, however, most people looked at the law the wrong way. They saw it as a means to prosperity in this world and the next. And they thought that to obey every law was the way to earn God’s protection from foreign invasion and natural disaster. Law keeping became an end in itself, not the means to fulfill God’s ultimate law of love (Rom.13:8-10).
E) God’s testimonies- those things that God powerfully done with His people on the earth (Psa.119:99).
F) We should meditate on Instructions given to us in the letters of the Apostle Paul concerning ministry duties (1Tim. 4:12). This includes Paul’s 13 letters in the New Testament.
G) The word for the purpose of receiving divine understanding for practical living (Psa.49:3).
H) On how God works and talk about it to ourselves (Psa. 77:10-12 / 143:5).
I) On whether or not we can make it as Jesus’ disciples (Luke 14:25-33).

3. When should we meditate?

A) Day and night (Josh. 1:8).
B) At evening time (Gen. 24:63).
C) All day long if possible (Psa.119:97).
D) When you can’t sleep –God is purposely leading you to meditate in the night watches (Psa.119:148).
E) During moments of anxiety and complaining so we can keep our tongue from evil (Psa. 39:1-3).
F) Right after falling short like Peter (Mark 14:66-72).
G) Right after receiving a vision supernaturally (Acts 10:17-19).
H) During weaknesses in our faith (Psa. 77:10-12).
I) When people speak against you (Psa. 119:23-24).
J) When people deal perversely with you (Psa. 119:78/ Matt. 5:44)

4. Where can you meditate ?

A) In the field like Issac did (Gen.24:63).
B) During work as Joshua practiced (Joshua 1:8).
C) In bed like David did (Psa.63:6).
D) On a roof top like Peter (Acts 10:10).
E) The biblical point is that you don’t have to be in some studio setting or gym like location during the morning or lunch break as some guru will recommend and waste your hard earn money. You can easily meditate as you work, drive , walk , run, do house cleaning or whenever you’re inspired to by the Holy Spirit. The key is to do it concentrated on the things of God.

5. We should not meditate on certain things that Jesus and Paul warned us about!

A) What we should say when we are under persecution as Christians. Why? Because we might be tempted to give up the faith (Luke 21:12-14).
B) A quick to get rich and relax scheme, being covetous about gaining just money and not God’s favor or direction on getting money (Luke 12:13-21/ Prov.28:22/ 23:4-5).
C) On things that are untrue, not noble, unjust, not pure, not loving, bad reports (Phil. 4:8).

6. What are the benefits of meditation?

A) Prosperity and success in your calling and career (Josh. 1:8).
B) Revelation of God’s will (Acts 10:10).
C) Superior knowledge (Psa. 119:99).
D) Receiving divine understanding to speak wisely (Psa.49:3).
E) Spiritual satisfaction and joy (Psa. 63: 5-6).
F) An increase of love for God’s law (Psa. 119:97).
G) Development of devotion (Psa. 119:97, 99).
H) Effective leadership (Josh. 1:8/ 1Tim. 4:15).
I) Fruitful Godly Character (Psa. 1:1-3).
J) Maintenance of divine peace in our minds (Phil. 4:4-6).
K) Freedom from frustration and anger (Psa. 4:4/ Eph. 4:26-27).
L) To awake from error (Mark 14:72).

About Manuel Vargas: God called me to teach back in 1993. In 2000, God granted me a vision to teach online. So here I am sharing everything that God is leading me to teach from a practical approach to experiencing His Word in our lives.

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