
What Are Some Tricks To Implement to Become More Productive Throughout the Day?

Being mindful is being aware. Aware of both your internal (thoughts, emotions) and external environments throughout the day. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are not lost in the daydreams of our mind during our day. Instead, we are fully present and living in the here and the now. Practicing mindfulness is a discipline. To […]

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benefits of christian meditation

What Would Be One Book About Your Faith That You Would Recommend To Someone Who Doesn’t Practice the Same Faith?

I would recommend the book Jesus Calling if you’re interested in reading a book about faith. Jesus Calling is a daily devotional that includes inspired messages from God. As you read it, you literally feel as though God is speaking just to you. The messages all center around spending quiet time with God, trusting Him,

What Would Be One Book About Your Faith That You Would Recommend To Someone Who Doesn’t Practice the Same Faith? Read More »


How Do I Practice Mindfulness If I am a Christian?

Being mindful is being aware. Aware of both your internal (thoughts, emotions) and external environments. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are not lost in the daydreams of our mind. Instead, we are fully present and living in the here and the now. Practicing mindfulness is a discipline. To start, simply pay attention to the

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Christian Spirituality

What is Christian Spirituality?

Here is an article I wrote on being a Spiritual Christian, please see below. This article should help you define Christian spirituality.  Aren’t all Christians spiritual? That seems like an odd question. Most would equate spirituality with Christianity, yet it’s possible to possess one and not the other. So what are the differences and what characteristics

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bad mood

How Does Christian Meditation Affect Other Aspects of Your Life?

Meditation, specifically Christian meditation, has probably had the single most impact on my life. I believe that meditation whether Christian or not, can affect different aspects of your life. Before I discovered meditation, being still, and taking charge of my thought life, I suffered from a debilitating depression. I pretty much stumbled upon meditation one

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guarding your thoughts

How Can You Tell When You Go In Your Own Meditating Stage?

Generally when starting to meditate the mind is very busy and tries to pull us away with many internal and external distractions. Using an anchor like a sacred word, the breath, or even a scripture can help us to quiet the mind and stay in the present moment. After about 10 minutes the mind tends

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early stages of mild depression and spiritual progress

Are There Any Similarities Between the Early Stages of Depression and Spiritual Progress?

I would not say that there are similarities between mild depression and spiritual progress, but mild depression can lead to spiritual progress or awakening as the discontentment and pain associated with depression may lead you on an inward journey to find relief. That is what happened to me, but it took me 4-years to understand

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Spiritual Lifelessness

What is Spiritual Lifelessness?

I would characterize spiritual lifelessness as being ignorant to the ways and moves of the spirit in your life as well as your being. People are generally spiritual lifeless because they: Don’t know that God’s spirit lives in them. Aren’t seeking to connect with the spirit within them. Are distracted by the material and physical

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physical health

Does Christian Meditation Have An Impact On Your Physical Health?

Meditation doesn’t just benefit your physical health. The benefits of meditation are numerous and well-rounded! Once you understand all of the benefits you might be interested in starting a meditation practice of your own. I find that without a proper understanding of meditation and it’s foundation techniques that many people give up before reaping all

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christian depression and meditation

Using Christian Meditation to Overcome Depression and Anxiety

Many people are struggling with depression and anxiety around the world. However, with the proper tools such as Christian meditation, anyone can overcome their depression. Thus, helping prevent future cycles of negative thinking. Many years ago I suffered from four long years of depression that was extremely debilitating. Although Christians are supposed to have the

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power hour morning routine

Christian Morning Routine to Jumpstart & Reset Your Day

By Rhonda Jones Establishing a Christian morning routine or time with Jesus can help you start each day with more peace, mindfulness, purpose, and clarity. I know as believers that most of us want to spend quality time with God, but either 1) we don’t feel that we have the time, or 2) we’ve gotten

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Another reason to appreciate Christian Meditation

Another Reason to Appreciate Christian Meditation

Yesterday I went to a daylong meditation retreat. I believe taking time out to pause, reflect, and reconnect with myself and Father God is essential to my well-being. Everything in the world is pulling us away from Christ and from building our lives in a spiritual foundation. If we don’t take charge of building our

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What's Your Normal

What’s Your Normal? – The Christian Meditator

What is your normal? For many of us our normal is low-grade anxiety, stress running in the background of our lives, that we’ve become so accustomed to that that we live with it or don’t even recognize it anymore. For others, it is a myriad of activities, or events that are never ending. Never taking

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