speaking Gods Word

Speaking God’s Word Over Your Life and Circumstances

Life can hand us unfortunate events, but it’s up to us how we handle them. In this article, I explain the power of speaking God’s Word and how leaving your concerns with him can actually deepen your relationship with him and his Word. 

speaking Gods word

Are You Speaking God’s Word Over Your Life?

This morning I woke up ready to go work at the local Job Corp where I substitute several days a week.  I love subbing there because I basically just have to make sure the kids (young adults) are on tasks and keep order. This allows me to work on my many projects and get paid at the same time. Praise God!

Well today, I was up bright and early and as I was getting ready I began to declare, “Today, I will be substituting in a classroom where I will be the only teacher.” I also visualized by boss saying, “Rhonda, today so and so is absent and you will be subbing for him/her.”

As I was pulling out the drive way I noticed that the ride felt really weird, so I hopped out the car and yes, a big whopping flat tire. I called my boss and told her I would be there as soon as I could and she replied, “Rhonda,  why don’t I just see you tomorrow?” Not a problem, in fact, I was kind of overjoyed because now I could write to you what God put on my heart and what I’m so excited about today.

First let me say, I am so overwhelmed with love in my heart for you and for the saints. I am always praying for those who subscribe to The Christian Meditator and those in my center of influence. You are my spiritual family and I appreciate YOU so much.  I love the letters, testimonials, and notes you send me. And if I don’t always reply, it’s only because I get soooo many emails a day, it’s hard keeping up.

Last week I sent out an email about Jake (Jimmy) which caused many of you to stop what you were doing and to pray and reach out to him. Thank you a million times over.

But I don’t have to tell you that there are a lot of Jimmy’s out there. You may be one of them or you once were.

Often times when I get emails from depressed or unhappy people, they tell me about everything going wrong in their life. They can’t find a job, they don’t get along with a family member, they can’t…the list going on. They are completely overwhelmed by all the wrong going on in their life. They think about it, meditate on it; contemplate it, and talk about it.  When we spend this amount of time focusing on our problems what is going to happen? That’s right, we’re going to manifest MORE of what we don’t want.

Bad things or circumstances happen to everyone from time to time. Sometimes it’s not a sprinkle, but a down pour. But eventually the rain stops and the sun rises again. It rains on the just and the unjust the scripture says. Life doesn’t always seem fair. The good news is that sometimes those who suffer the most have the greatest testimonies and rewards. Also, some of the worst things that ever happened to me turned out to be the best thing that could have happened because it brought new growth, understanding, and even tangible rewards. But it’s hard to see that when you’re in the midst of the storm.

We can’t always immediately change our circumstances, but we don’t have to let them totally defeat us either. Sometimes we need to declare “whatever” or just “surrender” it all to God, pray for our sanity, and just roll with the punches until things lighten up.

Like my flat tire, definitely an unwanted inconvenience, but also a blessing. In fact, I let my towing expire, called several tow companies to change it and found it was going to be fifty dollars to change a tire! Praise God for Craigslist, I’ll get it done for $20.00!

Anyway, this is where I want to challenge you. You have dreams, goals, and desires. Some of these seem way out of reach for you and you can’t possibly see how they could happen. But that’s not your job. Your job is to ask, believe, and then receive.

Can I tell you a little story?  About 15 years ago, I was the member of a large church and I always had this deep desire to share the gospel with people. No matter where I went I was always thinking, “Are they saved.” One day I was at a gas station and this young man was at the bus stop. I got that God feeling that I needed to talk to him. You know the one where you start asking, “God, Is this really you?”  or “Are you sure you want me to do this?”  Well, I went over to the young man and said that God loved him so much that He told me to come over and talk to you about Him. I can’t remember if I led him in the sinner’s prayer, but I do remember inviting him to church and that he was so happy that I had talked to him about God.

Well, that week I told my pastor (which I hardly knew) what happened and he wanted me to give a testimony. So I was standing in front of the whole church telling them what happened and I will never forget what my pastor said, “If SHE can do it, so can you.”  I don’t know if that was a complement or an insult. But ultimately what he was saying is that if this quiet and shy young woman can witness to strangers, so can you.

Well, can you believe that 15 years later I am sharing the gospel with THOUSANDS of people and I’m not one bit shy about it? I would have never thought I would be doing what I’m doing in one million years. But can I tell you that about eight years ago I was doing a prayer walk during one of the darkest times of my life and God spoke to me and told me that my ministry would influence thousands of people all over the world. I didn’t even have a ministry at that time and wasn’t even contemplating having one. I recorded this inspiration from God in my journal, but at that time I was hopeless, depressed, and miserable.

I say this to tell you that you NEVER know what God can do for you and through you because I am such an unlikely candidate for any of this.

Okay, enough about me, let’s get back to you, back to that challenge.

speaking Gods word

My Challenge for You

Today, if possible, will you make a list of affirmations or positive statements that specifically declare what you want to manifest in your life?

For example:

-I have a wonderful relationship with my _______.
– My child ____ excels in _____.
– I easily pay my tithes.
– I am married to the perfect mate for me.
– I own a beautiful 3 bedroom home.
– I have a surplus of income each and every month.
– I live a life full of abundance.
– My income exceeds _____ per month.
– I am highly favored by God and my fellow man.
– I weight ____ lbs; I’m physically fit, and tone.
– I am a generous giver.

Write these out as if they have already happened. Write what you REALLY want, regardless of if you believe it or how it will happen.

Now at least twice a day or whenever you think about it, walk around your house and in a LOUD voice read through your list and declare these things so. I do this everyday and I feel empowered. I know that what I am declaring will happen. I don’t know how or when, I leave that up to God!  I just declare it so in Jesus’ name.

Also read 1 Chronicles Chapter 17-  In it God declares to David what he is going to do in his family BEFORE it ever happens, generations later! That’s what we are doing, with the power of our words, mixed with faith, we are declaring those things that be not as though they already were. I love verse 2 where Nathan tells David, “Whatever you have in mind, do it, for God is with you.”  What an encourager and motivator!  I want to be your encourager and motivator today. Get rid of the doubt, the excuses, and the limitations and just do it, begin declaring what’s in your mind, what you want God to do in your life.

It was through the power of God’s word that all things were created. It is through the power of Jesus’ word that all things are maintained. Life and death is in your mouth, so begin to speak life over your situation.  Talk to those mountain, ask, believe, and receive.

Spend five minutes everyday visualizing the life you want and feel the joy that comes with it. Remember with GOD NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE and if he is FOR YOU HE is MORE than the WHOLE WORLD AGAINST YOU. He is more than any person, any circumstance, and any problem.  Believe it, Declare it OUT LOUD, and keep saying and believing it until it comes to pass. It MUST come to pass.

Do this everyday regardless of whether you think they are working or not. This is where most of us fail because we look at our circumstances and give up too soon.  Practice P.U.S.H. which means Pray Until Something Happens. Frequently repeating your affirmations ALOUD will help to change your limiting unconscious beliefs to those that are positive and prosperous.

During the day when doubt and fear begins to enter your mind, repeat this scripture (the one below) over and over and over and over and over until it becomes second nature.

“Thank you Lord that all my needs are abundantly met through your glorious riches in Jesus Christ.”- Php 4:19

Now do this for the next 30 days and please let me know the results. I’m not going to tell you that you will receive everything on your list in the next 30 days, but I will tell you that you will feel more in control of your life. You will be reclaiming your God given power to create what you desire. You will feel more empowered and hopeful. You will be declaring your vision. And you will be creating new and powerful self talk and beliefs! And if you don’t stop believing and affirming, through faith and patience you will inherit what God has promised.

Also be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. God may tell you to make a phone call, sow a seed, write a letter, or take a specific step or action to move you closer to your desires. Don’t ignore God’s promptings. Don’t let fear hold you back.  Learn to be still and listen to the Holy Spirit through daily meditation.

By the way, I have a new meditation CD that includes two new meditations, In His Presence and Surrender (I love this one).  I will be sending out a pre-launch special today or tomorrow for $5.00 off.

Also, instead of listening to the radio or playing the t.v. for company, let Christian affirmations play in the background while you work or sleep to reprogram your mind for positive beliefs and success. Check out my large selection of affirmation CDs and downloads.

Please share this article with friends or church group who would benefit. What a fun challenge to do together and compare notes in 30 days!

1 thought on “Speaking God’s Word Over Your Life and Circumstances”

  1. Marcia Eisenring

    God bless you for your site. Thank you. God is Good all the time to lead me to your site.

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