Christian Meditation


How is Christian Meditation Different from Relaxation or Sleeping?

Although relaxation and sleeping can have a calming effect upon your mind, they differ from meditation. Meditation is a discipline. The purpose of meditation is to create more peace and joy in your life by training your mind and learning to detaching from your thoughts. This allows us to live our life more purposefully than […]

How is Christian Meditation Different from Relaxation or Sleeping? Read More »


How Do I Know If I’m Meditating Right?

Typically I tell people that the only bad meditation is the one that you don’t do. You will find that each experience can be different. For example, sometimes when you meditate, your mind may be relatively still. Other times, your mind may be so distracted and preoccupied that you struggle through the entire process. Both

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Is Christian Meditation Really Helpful and How?

I can honestly admit that Christian meditation changed my life! There are many forms of meditation so I am not suggesting that you do one form or another, but meditation in general has so many helpful benefits that it’s unfortunate that everyone does not do meditation. Just yesterday I completed a webinar on the Transformative Power

Is Christian Meditation Really Helpful and How? Read More »


What Are Some Tricks To Implement to Become More Productive Throughout the Day?

Being mindful is being aware. Aware of both your internal (thoughts, emotions) and external environments throughout the day. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are not lost in the daydreams of our mind during our day. Instead, we are fully present and living in the here and the now. Practicing mindfulness is a discipline. To

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How Do I Practice Mindfulness If I am a Christian?

Being mindful is being aware. Aware of both your internal (thoughts, emotions) and external environments. When we are practicing mindfulness, we are not lost in the daydreams of our mind. Instead, we are fully present and living in the here and the now. Practicing mindfulness is a discipline. To start, simply pay attention to the

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Christian Spirituality

What is Christian Spirituality?

Here is an article I wrote on being a Spiritual Christian, please see below. This article should help you define Christian spirituality.  Aren’t all Christians spiritual? That seems like an odd question. Most would equate spirituality with Christianity, yet it’s possible to possess one and not the other. So what are the differences and what characteristics

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guarding your thoughts

How Can You Tell When You Go In Your Own Meditating Stage?

Generally when starting to meditate the mind is very busy and tries to pull us away with many internal and external distractions. Using an anchor like a sacred word, the breath, or even a scripture can help us to quiet the mind and stay in the present moment. After about 10 minutes the mind tends

How Can You Tell When You Go In Your Own Meditating Stage? Read More »

physical health

Does Christian Meditation Have An Impact On Your Physical Health?

Meditation doesn’t just benefit your physical health. The benefits of meditation are numerous and well-rounded! Once you understand all of the benefits you might be interested in starting a meditation practice of your own. I find that without a proper understanding of meditation and it’s foundation techniques that many people give up before reaping all

Does Christian Meditation Have An Impact On Your Physical Health? Read More »

power hour morning routine

Christian Morning Routine to Jumpstart & Reset Your Day

By Rhonda Jones Establishing a Christian morning routine or time with Jesus can help you start each day with more peace, mindfulness, purpose, and clarity. I know as believers that most of us want to spend quality time with God, but either 1) we don’t feel that we have the time, or 2) we’ve gotten

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Another reason to appreciate Christian Meditation

Another Reason to Appreciate Christian Meditation

Yesterday I went to a daylong meditation retreat. I believe taking time out to pause, reflect, and reconnect with myself and Father God is essential to my well-being. Everything in the world is pulling us away from Christ and from building our lives in a spiritual foundation. If we don’t take charge of building our

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What's Your Normal

What’s Your Normal? – The Christian Meditator

What is your normal? For many of us our normal is low-grade anxiety, stress running in the background of our lives, that we’ve become so accustomed to that that we live with it or don’t even recognize it anymore. For others, it is a myriad of activities, or events that are never ending. Never taking

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deep breathing

Christian Meditation In Simplest Terms is Being with God

 What is Christian Meditation? In the simplest terms, Christian Meditation is “Being with God.” It is dwelling in his presence and meditating on his glory, his character, and his Word. It is abiding with Christ for the mere pleasure of being with him. That sounds simple enough, right? But many things get in the way of us just being

Christian Meditation In Simplest Terms is Being with God Read More »


Are You Satisfied with Your Quiet Time with God?

I recently did a survey that told me that over 85% of Christians were not satisfied with their quiet time with God, yet 97% said it was essential to their Christian walk.  What do you think was at the top of the list? Distractions! Our society has become so busyness oriented that it really feels foreign to just “be

Are You Satisfied with Your Quiet Time with God? Read More »

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