

What is the Difference Between Meditation and Prayer?

Meditation and prayer are two different spiritual exercises that are important in our spiritual growth. I will try to explain both scriptural and give their differences. On the one hand, prayer is communication between God and man.  Man relates to God personally. Prayer is majorly a two way communication between God and man. Prayer is […]

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What Should My Main Goal as a Christian Be?

I believe that the greatest goal we can have as a Christian is to continue to grow spiritually, become one with Christ, and let the Holy Spirit live in us and through us. This is far from going to church or doing Christian things. It means seeking and growing closer to God, from within instead

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Different Dimensions

Does Christian Meditation Make You Enter Different Dimensions?

As a Christian, I believe there is a fine line we can cross when we begin to dive into the spirit world. If we are not careful, we can invite spiritual entities into our lives from these different dimensions that we’d rather do without. I can say that during my meditation practice many times I

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Christian Meditation Coach

What Exactly Does a Christian Meditation Coach Do?

Have you been considering or tried meditation and think you might be interested in working with a Christian meditation coach? As a new believer you might have stumbled on Christian meditation and you have tons of unanswered questions. Here is what you need to know about Christian meditation coaching. In simple terms, a Christian meditation

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God's word

What is the Best Way to Approach and Study God’s Word?

Oftentimes, Christians have a desire to read their Bibles and the scriptures to learn more about God’s word, but feel they don’t have the time or are not sure the best approach. If you want to grow spiritually, it’s important that some time be dedicated regularly to reading the scriptures and study the teachings of

What is the Best Way to Approach and Study God’s Word? Read More »

benefits of christian meditation

What Would Be One Book About Your Faith That You Would Recommend To Someone Who Doesn’t Practice the Same Faith?

I would recommend the book Jesus Calling if you’re interested in reading a book about faith. Jesus Calling is a daily devotional that includes inspired messages from God. As you read it, you literally feel as though God is speaking just to you. The messages all center around spending quiet time with God, trusting Him,

What Would Be One Book About Your Faith That You Would Recommend To Someone Who Doesn’t Practice the Same Faith? Read More »

Another reason to appreciate Christian Meditation

Another Reason to Appreciate Christian Meditation

Yesterday I went to a daylong meditation retreat. I believe taking time out to pause, reflect, and reconnect with myself and Father God is essential to my well-being. Everything in the world is pulling us away from Christ and from building our lives in a spiritual foundation. If we don’t take charge of building our

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What's Your Normal

What’s Your Normal? – The Christian Meditator

What is your normal? For many of us our normal is low-grade anxiety, stress running in the background of our lives, that we’ve become so accustomed to that that we live with it or don’t even recognize it anymore. For others, it is a myriad of activities, or events that are never ending. Never taking

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